Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor

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Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Mariborska univerza
Koroška cesta 46, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 220 7000

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Maribor - 07.jpgFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Maribor, designed by Styria arhitektura d.o.o.

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science offers 13 undergraduate and 10 Masters degree study programmes in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Informatics, Media Communications, Telecommunications, Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics. The faculty has a library furnished with around 70.000 books, many technical magazines and journals. The faculty has also an art gallery where works by Slovene and foreign artists are regularly exhibited.


The beginnings of establishing the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science date to 1959. In this year, the Technical School was founded on the initiative of Maribor's economic organisations and technical associations. The two-year school developed into four-year Technical School in 1973. In the year 1985 the Technical School was reorganised into the Faculty of Technical Sciences. Nine years later, in 1994, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was re-organised and renamed the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Research institutes

Today, the faculty represents one of the major research centres in the country. It houses 8 research institutes and academic centres: Institute of Automation, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, Institute of Power Engineering, Institute of Robotics, Institute of Computer Science, Institute of Informatics, Institute of Media Communications, and Institute of Mathematics and Physics.

International cooperation

The faculty has a vast network of national and international universities for student, academic and intellectual exchange. The Erasmus exchange programme for students has signed bilateral agreements with universities from 21 countries in the EU.

Intermedia and media studies

Launched in 2002–2003, Media Communication offers students the chance to select in their fourth semester one of two different specialisations: media production or visual communication.

In the last decade Maribor has become affiliated with intermedia, new media, and computer-based arts also through hosting the International Festival of Computer Arts (IFCA).

See also

External links


Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Mariborska univerza +
Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Mariborska univerza +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Koroška cesta 46 +
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceThe Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science offers 13 undergraduate and 10 Masters degree study programmes in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Informatics, Media Communications, Telecommunications, Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics., Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics. +
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science offers 13 undergraduate and 10 Masters degree study programmes in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Informatics, Media Communications, Telecommunications, Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics., Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics. +
+386 / 2 220 7000 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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